
September 2021

Special Edition—20 Years after 9/11

GUEST EDITORS Terrence Cunningham, Vince Hawkes, and Sarah Guy

Twenty years ago, the infamous 9/11 terrorist attacks sent waves of grief, fear, and determination across the United States and the globe. Among the many lost were first responders who sacrificed their safety and lives to save others. Governments and police around the world grappled with the why and how of the attack and wondered if their communities would be next. This issue remembers this tragedy and looks at the lessons learned since 9/11 and what has changed in the realms of policing, security, and counterterrorism.


  • Light Pierces Through

    Joseph Esposito, the New York, New York, Police Department’s (NYPD’s) chief of department, was arriving at work on the morning of September 11, 2001, and about to drive through the entrance gate o...

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  • In Memoriam: Fallen Officers from the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

    List updated as of July 28, 2021, contains the names of law enforcement officers  who, a

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  • 9/11 Remembered

    A look back at 9/11 through photographs from New York City, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, Pennsylvania....

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  • The Global Impact of 9/11

    While undeniably a tragedy for the people of the United States, the 9/11 terrorism attacks impacted people and governments around the world, changing how countries across the globe prepared for and wo...

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  • Countering the Evolving Terrorism Threat

    For years, Richard Holzer regularly used social media to glorify violence and advocate for the superiority of the white race. Holzer consumed and promoted racially or ethnically motivated violent e...

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  • Counterterrorism in the Past and Present

    The FBI National Security Branch interviewed a cross section of FBI leaders, special agents, and other law enforcement partners who played key roles in the evolving counterterrorism mission before, du...

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  • From Tragedy to Advocacy

    September 11, 2001, began as a beautiful, crisp fall day without a cloud in the deep blue sky. Children were on their way to their first day of school, a local election was underway, and individuals w...

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  • Video & Policing 9/11 to Today

    When four U.S. passenger airliners were highjacked and the Twin Towers were brought down on September 11, 2001, ubiquitous video surveillance was not yet part of the U.S. security and policing landsca...

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