A Synopsis of Some Featured Departments Providing Medical Support to Police Field Operations

Law enforcement officers (LEOs) face a high risk of on-the-job injury and death. In 2010, the LEO fatal work injury rate was 18.1 per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers, compared to 3.6 across all industries.1 Most of these on-the-job deaths are homicides and transportation-related deaths.2 Nonfatal occupational injuries in 2010 were 10.4 (100 full-time workers) for “police protection,” compared to 3.6 for the entire workforce.3

A number of agencies have developed programs aimed at decreasing the risk of death or disability from injuries suffered by officers in the field. Some of these agencies have presented their programs at IACP conferences over the past several years. The following are brief presentations of some of these programs from several agencies. These are presented here to pass on the ideas that may be of use to departments and to stimulate thought and possible discussion regarding “best practices” programs.