
March 2024: Women in Policing

GUEST EDITORS: Vera Bumpers, Danielle Manigault, and Diamond Winstead

Across the globe, women are standing out in a traditionally male-dominated field as they join more specialized areas of policing, as well as leadership positions. Although current female officers continue to pave the way for the future, there are still barriers to be broken. Leaders must look at current policies and representation to answer the question: how can policing become a more welcoming and viable career path for women?


  • Empowering Women in Law Enforcement

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  • Unlocking the Full Potential of Women in Policing

    Times have changed since the first women joined France’s police force in the mid-1970s. Back then, it was a male-dominated profession in which a small ...

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  • Making the Most of Glassy Situations

    Women in law enforcement face many challenges. Research reveals women and men tend to follow different pathways to leadership.1 The pathway for women is full of “glassy” situations, bo...

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  • Flexible Work Options

    Despite compelling research demonstrating the unique value of women officers, many departments suffer from a significant lack of representation of women across ranks. As departments seek to simultane...

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