Spiritual Wellness

A Vital Part of Officer Health and Wellness


During the last several years, law enforcement has experienced a growth in officer health and wellness training and programs. The core of information and training has centered around physical and mental wellness. While these two areas are crucial to overall wellness, there is one area that appears to be missing in a number of total wellness applications. That area would be “spiritual wellness,” defined as an expanded sense of purpose and meaning in life that includes one’s morals and ethics. It may or may not involve religious activities.

While some law enforcement executives might shy away from this topic it is evident that spiritual wellness goes to the very center of purpose and meaning in human life. The philosopher Pierre De Chardin provided insight to this fact when he stated, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Spirituality has a huge impact on people’s thoughts and behaviors. Spiritual wellness is also embraced by mental health professionals as a pathway to greater individual hope and purpose.

Why Is Spiritual Wellness Important to Law Enforcement?

The last several years have been very challenging for law enforcement. Violent crime has continued to grow while police recruiting and staffing has become more difficult to maintain. Agencies face greater demands with fewer officers, and many officers are experiencing a greater sense of hopelessness, stress, and anxiety. For law enforcement executives, this would be a great time to include the elements of spiritual wellness in information and training for officers and staff.

These elements go beyond the practice of religion and really play a major role in a model for what we tend to look for in those who choose to protect and serve, elements that can also be defined as positive personal traits.

Beliefs. Believing in something greater than oneself is a way to stay grounded, which leads to a greater understanding of purpose and position in life. It is important for officers to remain connected to the idea that they are not bigger than life itself. They serve a purpose that is essential to a civilized society. Their goal is to bring good to what is evil or that which creates a negative impact on others. This is truly a higher mission and purpose. Law enforcement officers are called to model the good in society.

Values. Individuals who choose to serve others are making a values statement. They are committing to serve beyond themselves. This can be achieved only through standards of behavior, which are an individual choice and characteristic that is essential to policing. To further validate this fact, most law enforcement agencies have established a set of core values that serve as a model for their officers. Much has been written over the years highlighting “values-based policing.”

Ethics. Another area that can be highlighted and strengthened through spiritual wellness is personal and professional ethics. Ethical behavior serves as a cornerstone to recruiting, selection, and training of law enforcement officers. In addition, it also serves as a constant guide to how police organizations should function. Ethics are based on well-founded standards of right and wrong that describe what humans ought to do.

The power of spiritual awareness allows individuals the basis for a self-examination of their ethical choices, which leads to more positive outcomes. Officers who find themselves getting caught up in the noise and norms of society may find it hard to separate their ethical thoughts and choices. Having the ability to introspect through a spiritual sense will provide a positive pathway to the right ethical decision.

Morals and principles.  A solid moral foundation includes the ability to make good decisions and choices based on a higher degree of principles. A decision that is morally right will lead to the important path of doing the right thing in one’s personal and professional life.

Spiritual wellness can serve as a pathway for officers to maintain the desired characteristics that are essential in successful policing today. It will lead to a greater connection to each of the desired traits  listed above.

Spiritual Wellness and Transitional Leadership

The power of an organization that is based on values, ethics, morals, and principles cannot be understated. This especially holds true in policing, where the very core of the profession is service to others. In many ways spiritual wellness and transitional leadership are closely related. Transitional leadership is based on the ability to instill inspiration, vision, stimulation, moral values, and a desire to fulfill potential and make a positive contribution. These characteristics are closely aligned with the key components of spiritual wellness. In addition, they are components to the practice of servant leadership in which law enforcement leaders set examples and establish practices based on the core inner values of the individuals they are called to lead. This translates into a positive transitional organizational shift.

“A solid moral foundation includes the ability to make good decisions.”

When officers experience leadership based on a true regard for who they are and not just on what they achieve, it serves as motivation to perform. When an individual feels valued for their ethics, morals, and principled decision-making ability, they tend to develop an overall growth in organizational trust. The evidence is overwhelming that spiritual wellness can only serve to enhance the ability to lead and increase organizational trust and performance. Moving forward law enforcement leaders can greatly benefit from including this process into their health and wellness programs.

Improving Spiritual Wellness for Officers

Putting the wheels in motion can be challenging, as many organizations face competing priorities. Adopting the elements of spiritual wellness into a leadership philosophy is vital to successfully bringing spiritual wellness to the forefront.  By setting the example, executives lead others in their charge to see the value in supporting these goals. This added support will assist the organization in embracing spiritual wellness into the culture.

Before helping officers improve their spiritual wellness, leaders will want to take an introspective look at themselves. At the micro level, leaders can begin building upon their own spiritual wellness by taking a deep look into their spiritual makeup and the benefits of exploration.

Explore your spiritual core. Take a thoughtful introspective look at yourself. Consider each element of spiritual wellness and assess where you fall at each level. Identify what aspects of your spiritual wellness are strong and which you would like to improve.

Look for deeper meaning. Take your self-reflection a step further by looking for deeper meaning and purpose, allowing further examination into values and belief systems.

Express your thoughts. It can be difficult to find comfort in expressing your thoughts. However, with so many methods for self-expression, you are sure to find some that work well. One of the most common outlets is journaling. Journaling allows for a private, personal space to express yourself. If journaling is not for you, be creative in finding what other positive outlets are a better fit.

Be active. Keeping busy is a good way to embrace spiritual wellness. Engage in things that you enjoy such as nature, exercise, or hobbies. Consider the things you have always wanted to learn or experience and give them a try. Adopting new activities engages growth and development.

Travel. Take an intentional approach to vacation and travel. Use that vacation time the way it was intended! Many officers put off utilizing their personal leave to focus on themselves. Innately, the job becomes very much a part of their lives, and it can be difficult to find a safe space for separation. Committing to vacation will set the example for everyone.

Build a positive existence. Rid yourself of any negative influences to allow space for embracing positive ones. Positivity is infectious and bound to rub off on you. It requires a strong commitment and can challenge personal boundaries; however the reward is great.

Take time to meditate. There are many benefits to meditation and a vast number of methods available, including guided meditation, mindfulness meditation, yoga, and many more. Many of these are available through different tools such as mobile apps and video. Explore what  fits best into your routine.


Please cite as

Bobby Kipper and Iva Rody, “Spiritual Wellness: A Vital Part of Officer Health and Wellness,” Police Chief Online, May 4, 2022.